Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Aditya Jain
1 min readAug 23, 2020


Hello Everyone , In this Post I shared in detail about the Services provided by Google Cloud . I have done the following as follows -

1 . Created Multi Projects using WebUI and CLI

2. Enabled Google Compute Engine for both the Projects.

3. Created VPC in both the Projects . One VPC in Singapore Region while Other VPC in US region .

4. Created Subnet in both the VPC .

5. Connected both the VPC using VPC Peering.

6. Created Google Kubernetes Engine — GKE in 1 VPC .

7. Created SQL Server in another VPC and Created MySQL database .

8. Launched Wordpress Pod on the top of Kubernetes Cluster.

9. Created LoadBalancer for disaster Recovery .

10. Installed Wordpress in 1 VPC using Database running in another VPC.

Extra :-

  1. Created VM Instance in default VPC
  2. Host the Webserver on this VM Instance

Google Cloud Platform

GCP is one of the Product form the Google providing Public Cloud .

What is Project ?

A project consists of a set of users; a set of APIs; and billing, authentication, and monitoring settings for those APIs.

Thank you

